Αμβλυωπία … πέρα από την οπτική οξύτητα !
“Amblyopia is an abnormal development of the visual system secondary to its inadequate (i.e. anisometropia and deprivation amblyopia) or erroneous (i.e. strabismic amblyopia) binocular stimulation during early visual development. It is usually unilateral, and it occurs due to a mismatch of information between the two eyes. Beyond affecting the visual acuity, amblyopia affects contrast sensitivity, spatial integration, global motion perception, and depth perception. Moreover, it may impact negatively the quality of life, either due to the low vision in the amblyopic eye, weak depth perception or because of the social burden of the most widely used treatment, i.e. occlusion therapy. Recently, the understanding of unilateral amblyopia physiopathology has evolved and the concept that the visual loss is related uniquely to an abnormally developed visual system has given place to the one based on an anomalous binocular interaction.” Dr Mansouri B.
Άρθρα από το ECL Newsletter
Αμβλυωπία – Σχέση με αυτοαντίληψη, οπτικές και κινητικές δεξιότητες σε παιδιά 3 – 7 ετών
Αμβλυωπία – Σχέση με αυτοαντίληψη, ταχύτητα ανάγνωσης και κινητικές δεξιότητες σε παιδιά 8 – 13 ετών
Δημοσιευμένες Έρευνες
Reading Performance in Children with Microstrabismic Amblyopia
Attention Deficits in Children with Anisometropic Amblyopia
Imapired Visual Decision-Making in Individuals with Amblyopia
Impaired Development of Eye-Hand Coordination in Children with Amblyopia
Sensory Uncertainty in Amblyopia Leads to Reduced Precision in Motor Planning
Spatial Localization is Poor in Childhood and Adult Strabismic Amblyopia
Deficits in Perception of Images of Real-World Scenes in Amblyopia
Strabismic Amblyopia Affects Relational Processing of Faces
Temporal Synchrony Deficits in Amblyopia
Abnormalities of Motion Detection in Amblyopia
Difficulties with Second Order Motion (Texture) in Amblyopia
Science Daily Synopsis of Newly Recognized Neurological Deficits in Amblyopia
Amblyopia Increases the Risk of Visual Impairment to the Better Seeing Eye
Amblyopia Has a Significant Effect on Psychosocial Functioning
The Effect of Amblyopia on Motor and Psychosocial Skills (Thesis Paper)
Peer Victimization/Bullying Associated with Patching in Amblyopia